In a heartwarming display of love and generosity, renowned actress and politician Vilma Santos recently gifted her grandchild, Baby Peanut, an expensive and thoughtful present. The gesture has captured the attention of netizens and sparked conversations about family bonds and the importance of giving.

Vilma Santos, who is known for her successful career in both showbiz and politics, has always been close to her family. Her relationship with her son, Luis Manzano, and his wife, actress Jessy Mendiola, is one of mutual love and support, often seen in their posts on social media. Recently, Santos made headlines when she gave Baby Peanut, her granddaughter, a luxurious gift that left many in awe.




The details of the gift have not been fully disclosed, but sources close to the family say that it is something very special and meaningful, likely symbolizing the actress’s deep affection for her grandchild. This thoughtful gesture was shared in a recent post by Jessy Mendiola, who expressed gratitude on behalf of their family for the loving gesture from Vilma Santos.

Jessy, who is known for her close-knit family values, posted on social media, saying, “Thank you, Mama V, for your love and for always making Baby Peanut feel so special. We’re blessed to have you in our lives.” Her message was filled with appreciation for the generosity and care that Vilma Santos continues to show her family.

Luis Manzano, who is also very close to his mother, shared his own message of gratitude, expressing how much Vilma’s presence and support mean to him and his family. The love and affection within this family are evident, and fans of the couple and the entire Manzano-Santos family couldn’t help but feel touched by the bond they share.


Luis Manzano at Vilma Santos Na-SHOCK ng Kinaya na MAGLAKAD ni Baby Peanut  Mag-Isa Jessy Mendiola - YouTube


Vilma Santos’s generous gift to Baby Peanut is not just a display of her love for her grandchild but also a reflection of the strong family values that she has always upheld. This sweet family moment serves as a reminder of the importance of nurturing relationships and showing affection, especially to the younger generation.

As the Manzano-Mendiola family continues to share these precious moments with their followers, their genuine love for one another is a beautiful example of how family support and generosity can have a lasting impact. Fans of Vilma Santos, Jessy Mendiola, and Luis Manzano are excited to see more of these heartwarming moments in the future.