Jhong asks Kim why she turned down Ryan | It’s Showtime

In a dramatic new episode of the show, Jhong Hilario surprised the audience by asking Kim Chiu directly why she rejected Ryan Bang. The question immediately heated up the atmosphere, making Kim a bit flustered in front of the camera.

Kim Chiu, despite being shy, still maintained her charm when answering. She said: *”I don’t think people pay much attention to this, but sometimes my decision is for the best for both of us.”*

Kim's wish for Ryan this year is to not be moody | It's Showtime - YouTube


Ryan, who is known for his sense of humor, cleverly eased the tension by joking: *”Maybe I need to do better so that Kim can’t refuse next time!”*

Jhong asks Kim why she turned down Ryan | It's Showtime - YouTube

– “Jhong really knows how to create drama – this is why I always watch this show!”
– “Kim handled it very delicately, but I’m still curious about the real reason!”