Vic Sotto, the renowned host of the popular noontime show Eat Bulaga!, has recently spoken up about the exciting news of his wife, Pauleen Luna, being six months pregnant. The couple, who have been together for several years, is now expecting their second child, and Sotto’s candid remarks about the pregnancy have made headlines across social media and news outlets



During a recent Eat Bulaga! episode, Sotto shared his happiness and excitement over their growing family. He expressed his joy and gratitude for the pregnancy, acknowledging how special this moment is for him and his wife. “Six months and counting,” he said with a big smile, revealing his pride in being a father once again.

Sotto and Luna’s journey to this pregnancy has been an emotional one for the couple, who are already parents to their beautiful daughter, Tali. The pair has always been very open with their fans about their family life, and Sotto’s speech about the pregnancy reflected his genuine happiness. Fans of the couple have been eagerly following their pregnancy journey, with many sending well wishes and words of support through social media.

The 6-month mark is a significant milestone in any pregnancy, and Sotto’s lighthearted yet heartfelt comment about it has only added to the positive energy surrounding the couple. As a veteran in the entertainment industry, Sotto has always been known for his humor and charm, and it’s clear that he brings the same warmth to his family life.

Pauleen Luna Nanganak Na Sa Second Baby Nila Ni Vic Sotto

Pauleen Luna, a television host and actress, has also shared her joy and excitement on social media, posting updates about her pregnancy and giving fans a glimpse into the journey of becoming a mother once again. She and Sotto have maintained a strong and supportive relationship, and their shared moments of happiness have inspired many of their fans.

As for the future, the couple has not disclosed any further details about their upcoming child, but fans are already excited to meet the newest member of the Sotto-Luna family. Given the couple’s deep bond, there is no doubt that their growing family will be filled with love and laughter.

With six months already gone by, the couple is surely counting down the days until they welcome their second child into the world. It’s clear that Sotto and Luna are thrilled about expanding their family and look forward to all the joys that parenthood brings.