bea alonzo sexy photos

bea alonzo sexy photos

If you are among the 8.6 million strong followers of versatile actress Bea Alonzo, you had probably stumbled upon her Instagram post, which was a throwback shot of her legs dappled with white sand from a beach the A Love To Last lead star formerly visited and captioned it “Sandy toes and a sun-kissed nose. Can’t wait to hit the beach.”

Well, that longing was finally fulfilled!

bea alonzo sexy body

After the overwhelming global success of her 2018 romantic drama flick, “Kasal,” the sought-after leading lady took her well-deserved break recently by flying to Amanpulo in Palawan with her family and two close friends.

In the photos she uploaded on her account, the multi-awarded actress is impeccably rocking her skimpy swimsuits that indeed exposed her sexy figure while basking under the summer sun, swimming in the clear waters of Sulu Sea, and striking poses with her beloved companions.

bea alonzo sexy body

Besides, her posts are valid proofs that she truly enjoyed their quick getaway in the private island resort, with the tons of Polaroid snaps she captured and she even jestingly asked the permission of her followers if she can continue sharing more (or all?) of them.

She also seem not to care if her flawlessly fair skin would get darker, because according to one of her posts, “The tans will fade but the memories will last forever.” And we assume that everyone agrees with her, right?

bea alonzo sexy body

Since she worked hard on crafting and promoting her projects, which involves mall tours, press conferences, photo shoots, and interviews with various media outlets, it’s likely that Bea only had a little to no time for her family and to take some rest. Thus, the word “Priceless”, which she used to describe their group photo during their Amanpulo Escapade, is perfect indeed!

We can’t wait for your next #btravels snaps, BEAutiful!