Jake Ejercito humbled by comments on being good dad to Ellie

Jake Ejercito with his daughter Ellie. Photo from Ejercito’s Facebook page

Jake Ejercito has downplayed the positive comments he received about being a good father to his daughter with actress Andi Eigenmann, Ellie, after their reunion recently.

While he appreciated the kind words he received, Ejercito explained he is not doing anything special about being a dad to his child.

“Been receiving lots of positive comments about me being a ‘good’ dad to Ellie. Though I am truly humbled by and appreciate all the kind words, I honestly don’t think I’m doing anything special,” he said in the caption.

“I’m just trying to be the best dad for my daughter.”


Ejercito went on to throw a shout-out to the people close to him, who helped him raise Ellie, especially at the beginning of his fatherhood.

He thanked his family, friends, and Eigenmann for their support and guidance, calling them the “real MVPs.”

“With that said, I’d also like to point out that I couldn’t have done it alone, especially at the beginning at such a young age and in a less than ideal situation,” he said.

“God knows how it would’ve turned out without the guidance and support extended to me/us by my parents, siblings, relatives, friends, and our kasambahays. And of course, Andi’s been a great co-parent too. They da real MVP’s!”

He also left a reminder to all young fathers, highlighting how fulfilling it is to be the best buddy of your child.

“To all young dads out there, there’s nothing more fulfilling and beautiful in the world than to grow with and be best buddies with your child,” he added.

Along with the caption, Ejercito uploaded a montage of his bonding moments with Ellie during their first swimming activity together in almost two years.

Ejercito flew all the way to Siargao to fetch his daughter, who has been living with her mother on the island in northeastern Mindanao.

He said this is his first time in Siargao but he is fortunate because he found himself “an angel for a tour guide.”