Linsey de Vera has introduced her two children with Dingdong Dantz to the public. Marian is shocked by the news that there is a fight brewing between the long-time partners Maran Rivera and Dingdong Dantz after Dingdong Dantes allegedly admitted that he has a child with another woman. At the same time, Linsey de Vera floated the idea that she already has a child with a famous actor whose father is also Christopher Mee.

Marian Rivera laughs off pregnancy rumours involving husband

He is said to have had a child with an actress where their relationship started. They worked together in a movie and this is where their relationship developed. Even though this actor is a family man, he is not currently accepted as a legal wife, which is why many speculations have poured in that Dingdong Dantes and Linsey de Vera are referred to in Christopher Me’s blend item. At the same time, news emerged that Marian Rivera has allegedly filed for an annulment for her husband.

Dingdong Dantes on having a love child with Lindsay de Vera |

Dingdong Dantes, although he has not yet clarified the real reason why he did this, according to many, it may be that this will prove that the news that Dingdong Dang Tes is having a child with another woman is not acceptable to him. Currently, Ding Don Dantes has not released a statement regarding this spreading news, but many do not believe it because this issue has been going on for a long time. It is customary for Marian to break up with Dingdong if it is true that there is

This is another woman’s child and if it’s true that Marion Rivera filed an annulment case against Dingdong Dantes, then maybe there’s a more serious reason besides this.