With this powerful natural drink, you will quickly and easily say goodbye to fatty liver, blurred vision, and anemia, and above all, it’s very natural.

### Preparation Method
1. For this powerful mixture, the first ingredient we will use is a carrot, which we will grate very well and then chop into small pieces to place in a container.
2. Next, we will add the juice of two oranges, which we will prepare in a container to later mix with this blend.
3. Another ingredient that must not be missing from this powerful drink is a beetroot, also known as “betabel” in some countries. Let me know in the comments what beetroot is called in your country.
4. We will peel and chop the beetroot into small pieces and place it in a container.
5. Then we will take all the ingredients to a blender and add two glasses of water.
6. We will also add the orange juice.
7. Blend very well for a few seconds, but first, tell me what country or city you are watching from so I can send you a greeting in the next post.
8. After blending, we will strain it and serve it in a glass with ice.
9. Optionally, you can sweeten it with a little honey.

### Dosage
Drink this powerful beverage every morning, which cleanses fatty liver, helps with blurred vision, alleviates anemia, and provides a lot of energy and strength.
Take it for seven consecutive days, and you will see how you say goodbye to blurred vision, fatty liver, and anemia, and your platelet count will increase extraordinarily!